When a rearfoot varus is present, extra wedging is occasionally needed to enhance the controlling aspect of the device you are using. A rearfoot varus is defined as the combination of the subtalar neutral and tibial varum components, which is the neutral calcaneal stance position (NCSP).
Position the foot in the NCSP.
Wedge the rearfoot to the NCSP angle, using the suitable rearfoot wedge.
VASYLI rearfoot wedges have a 2-degree or a 4-degree inclination and are made from firm (red) density EVA for maximum effect and long-term wear.
Wedging becomes important when dealing with any pronatory condition. Rearfoot wedging itself is necessary to change the timing of the pronatory phases and to help control the level of excessive pronation present in most of these conditions.
Most wedging occurs on the medial aspect of the calcaneus to increase inversion at the subtalar joint, and reinstate the structural integrity of the foot and alignment of the lower limb. Although the device helps to relieve the stress that pronatory disorders tend to cause, we have found that patients benefit greatly from having the orthotic device wedged at an appropriate angle to increase the level of effect.